Join us every Sunday with YOGA! Loretta Jo will be teaching the class, hurry and get your spot in the link below!
Loretta Jo Schlatzer is the owner/founder of Yoga-Mojo, LLC, and the founder/co-owner of Cary Yoga Collective, both based in Cary NC. She is happily obsessed with exploring and sharing many different aspects of Yoga, and is a master of yoga sequencing.At her core, Loretta Jo is a teacher – dedicated to helping students and yoga teachers to confidently and consistently experience the uplifting magic that occurs within practice – the unified mental, physical, and spiritual “mojo” that moved her to begin her own personal journey. Pursuing her passion, she has provided 12,000+ hours of teaching and training to students, delivered deep from her heart – living and sharing her belief that yoga can be both a positive means for personal transformation, and a path to joy.
Loretta Jo's classes incorporate an abiding love of the Sanskrit language, mantras, mudras, and yoga mythology – her classes weave in symbols, themes, storytelling, and a bit of humor to enhance the practice experience. She has a deep affinity for animals, trees, our earth, and its environment…with sincere empathy for the struggles of the humans that inhabit it, and a strong belief in the common good.
All are welcome to join our wonderfully supportive Yoga-Mojo Community. Connect with her at and